Accelerate your business with a Web & Data-analytics agency

Welyft can help you choose, set up and enhance your web analytics ecosystem to collect signals and turn them into action.

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Speed up your decision-making

By making data collection on your data-marketing ecosystem more reliable.

Boost your growth

By automating data analysis and performance monitoring. 

Exploit the potential of your tools

By implementing advanced collection plans based on our best practices.   


Make informed decisions and achieve sustainable growth

We are convinced that the quality of your Analytics base and its operation play a key role in your ability to deliver an exceptional customer experience. In a highly competitive environment, this is a strategic lever for setting yourself apart and boosting your growth.

However, the maturity of your organization as well as evolving technologies and regulations can put the brakes on this exploitation.

That's why our consultants work closely with your teams to deploy tailor-made solutions. The aim: to capture relevant signals from your users and transform them into actionable information, to optimize your decisions and performance.


Our Data & Analytics offers

Our teams of consultants can support you across the entire data marketing value chain.

KPI tracking & Dashboarding

We support you in setting up a data-driven organization, identifying, aligning and disseminating your key KPIs to your teams.

KPIs workshop
Setting up OKRs
Setting up UX KPIs (H.E.A.R.T)
Designing control dashboards or CROs
Dataprep and alerting set-up

Tracking & collect analytics

Get a reliable, activatable data collection source that complies with regulatory environments via a tagging plan.

Setting up a GA4 tracking plan
Switch to server-side
Double tracking Matomo
Data layer enrichment

Web-Performance & Accessibility

Understand the impact of web performance and accessibility on the user experience, through an assessment of the current situation and a prioritized roadmap to serve your users and your business performance.

Web performance audit & recommendations
Setting up a vitals web dashboard
Accessibility audit

Delivering a reliable, future-ready data ecosystem

Our CRO method is based on 3 pillars, duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.


Define a data strategy in line with your business objectives

Examples:‍KPI workshop, Dashboarding, analytics solution choice,
Analytics & attribution training


Set up the ecosystem in compliance with regulations and best practices

Examples: GA4 implementation, CMP setup, reporting automation, marketing automation setup


We enable you to go further by enriching your collection ecosystem

Examples: Server-side implementation, ConsentMode V2 implementation, 1st party enrichment, Reliability tracking audit, Cookie compliance.

Talk to a Welyft expert

The Data-Marketing agency that boosts the ROI of your customer journeys
Discover our offer

How do our tracking missions work?

The more traffic you generate on your site, the more valuable on-site information you produce. This data, when properly collected and analyzed, offers invaluable opportunities to understand your visitors, optimize your performance, and improve your bottom line. Our mission is to support you in the exhaustive and compliant collection of this data, while helping you to visualize it in a clear and exploitable way, in strict compliance with current regulations.


Obtain a reliable data collection environment that enables a better understanding of user paths.

Kick off & Framing


Facilitate a scoping meeting to align scope, methods, stakeholders and project timeline. 

KPis workshop


Facilitate a KPIs workshop to identify the relevant indicators for your business that will be tracked at the end of the project.

Tracking plan design


Creation of a reference document containing specifications for all the collection points on your app/site.

Setup & support


We create the various analytical environments and set up your tagging tool (e.g. Google Tag manager) to feed the data back to the analytics tool. 

Acceptance & validation


We validate that the data is correctly fed into the tools, compare trends and validate compliance with consents.

Skills transfer


We are organizing a training session to introduce you to the new indicators and their monitoring, and to set up alerting parameters.


Democratize your teams' access to data with turnkey dashboards customized to your business challenges and data collection environment.

Kick off - Dashboards


We align ourselves with the scope of the analytical sources, the data visualization tool, and the business requirements.

Alignment with KPis / OKRs


During a KPIs workshop, we validate the strategic and operational indicators that drive success, by team, BU or company. 



We wireframe the dashboard in order to validate the data tables and visualization before they are designed. 

Parameterization & automation


We set up the connections and automations needed to reliably feed the data back into the dashboards.

Acceptance & Validation


We validate the consistency of the new dashboard's data with your reference analytical tools.

Sharing & distribution


We train your teams to use the dashboard and its settings, so that you can become autonomous.


Understand the weaknesses of your collection ecosystem and the opportunities for optimizing it to make it 100% relevant to your teams once again.

Kickoff reliability


Alignment with the scope of the mission, sharing tools and analytical sources.

Tagging quality


We study the quality of your tagging tool (TMS) and cookie consent (CMPs) settings to identify blocking points & optimization opportunities. 

Quality analytics


We examine the quality of your analytics tool's settings to validate its optimal operation, and identify any anomalies. 

Data best-practices


We compare your current tracking plan with our industry templates to identify gaps, errors and standardization opportunities. 

Prioritized roadmap


We present you with a prioritized roadmap of suggested fixes, broken down by degree of criticality and effort. 

Support analytics


We support you in implementing optimizations to guarantee a rapid return to quality.


Our customers' success

Rudy Ribardière
Director of E-Commerce and Digital Strategy
Antoine Duchaine
Sales & Marketing Director

"The ability of the Welyft teams to understand our businesses, the ecosystem and our challenges, all with a high-performance team organization, has transformed the way we've worked together for several years!"

1 year
+ 120 %
Associated costs
- 50 %
Camille Belmont
Development Director
Camille Belmont
Development Director

"The ability of the Welyft teams to understand our businesses, the ecosystem and our challenges, all with a high-performance team organization, has transformed the way we've worked together for several years!"

3 years
+ 120 %
Associated costs
- 50 %
Louis Leclercq
Marketing Director
@Famille Mary
Louis Leclercq
Marketing Director
@Famille Mary

"The ability of the Welyft teams to understand our businesses, the ecosystem and our challenges, all with a high-performance team organization, has transformed the way we've worked together for several years!"

3 years
+ 120 %
Associated costs
- 50 %

Frequently asked questions

Why work with an agency specializing in Web & Data-analytics?

A Web & Data-analytics agency like Welyft enables you to fully exploit your data to optimize your performance. Thanks to our expertise, we analyze your user paths, identify optimization levers, and implement concrete solutions to maximize your conversions and ROI.

How does Welyft support your growth?

We combine a personalized approach with data-driven methodologies to align your business objectives with high-performance strategies. From optimizing your analytics tools to setting up A/B tests or data-marketing campaigns, our support helps you accelerate your development.

What results can I expect from this support?

With Welyft, you benefit from the strategic use of your data to transform your performance. Expect concrete optimizations, better control of user paths and measurable actions to boost your growth.